Professional Women in Pest Management (PWIPM)


What is PWIPM all about?

Professional Women in Pest Management’s purpose is to attract, develop and support women in the pest management industry. 

Who is PWIPM?

Professional Women in Pest Management is for anyone! The committee is comprised of Chair: Sylvia Kenmuir, Secretary: Jacqui Clark, and Media: Blair Smith. These individuals volunteer their time to support women in our industry!! Anyone and everyone are encouraged to attend the committee meetings,  fundraising efforts, and to support this great group! 

Professional Women in Pest Management Gives Back Several Ways!

Woman of Excellence Grant

This is an annual grant that is given by the CA PWIPM which is a committee of the Pest Control Operators of California. Applications are accepted in late Spring and the winner is awarded at the PCOC Expo. For more information on how to apply, follow our LinkedIn and Facebook pages.

Past Grant Winners:

2022: Shawn McFarland, Greens Entomological Service, Ventura, CA
2023: Kathleen Marquez, Pest Solutions Termite & Pest Control, South Gate, CA

 National PWIPM can be found here: